The Complete Guide to Fiverr Website: How to Find a Website Designer?

Karen B kish
16 min readAug 5, 2023


Fiverr website design and development.
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

Fiverr has become an immensely popular freelance marketplace, connecting businesses and entrepreneurs with freelance talent offering digital services. As per Fiverr, over 5.5 million businesses utilize Fiverr freelancers for projects across graphic design, digital marketing, programming, video and more.

A key service offered on Fiverr is website design and development. For businesses and freelancers, having an optimized Fiverr website is crucial for establishing an online presence and attracting potential customers.

This comprehensive guide will explore everything you need to know about Fiverr websites — from design and development, to traffic and promotion. We will also address common issues and solutions, evaluate safety and authenticity, and provide tips for building a successful Fiverr website.

By the end of this post, you will have clarity on how to leverage Fiverr for creating, managing and promoting your website effectively.

I. Fiverr Website: Design, Development, and Creation

A. Understanding Fiverr Website Design and its relevance

Fiverr website design involves graphic designers on Fiverr creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites for clients. A professionally designed website projects credibility, establishes brand identity, and helps in lead generation.

Key elements of Fiverr website design include:

  • Homepage design
  • Interior pages
  • Graphics and images
  • Theme and color scheme
  • Navigation menu
  • Site architecture
  • Responsiveness for mobile

For businesses, proper website design is crucial for making a positive first impression online and conveying brand messaging.

B. Exploring Fiverr Website Builder and how it works

Fiverr also offers pre-designed website templates via its website builder tool. It provides drag-and-drop simplicity for building responsive sites quickly without coding.

Key features of the Fiverr website builder:

  • Intuitive editor with hundreds of templates
  • Easy customization for pages, fonts, colors etc.
  • Built-in SEO capabilities for better ranking
  • Accept payments and add ecommerce store
  • 24/7 customer support

The website builder enables anyone to create a website in minutes with minimal effort.

C. The role of Fiverr Website Development in creating functional sites

While design focuses on visual appeal, website development involves programmers building website functionality like:

  • Custom web applications
  • User registration and login
  • Database integration and management
  • Payment gateways
  • Contact forms, calculators etc.
  • SEO coding for improved ranking
  • Security measures
  • Software integration

Fiverr makes it easy to find skilled web developers to build feature-rich, interactive websites tailored to your business needs.

How to Find a Website Designer?

D. Finding the right Fiverr Website Designer for your project

Here are tips for hiring the best website designer on Fiverr for your needs:

  • Review portfolios — Evaluate samples of their work to judge design skills.
  • Check reviews and ratings — Opt for designers with high ratings and satisfied clients.
  • Assess communication — Responsive designers who understand your needs deliver better results.
  • Compare packages — Choose based on services offered and total cost.
  • Discuss revisions — See if they offer free revisions to perfect the design.
  • Verify turnaround time — Faster turnaround allows launching your site sooner.

E. Cost considerations for Fiverr Website Design and potential pricing models

Fiverr offers website design services starting at just $5 but more complex projects cost higher based on:

  • Number of page designs required
  • Custom graphics needs
  • WordPress vs custom development
  • Any additional functionality needed
  • Traffic support services

Typical pricing models used by Fiverr website designers include:

  • Fixed project rate — A single fee covering entire project
  • Hourly charges — For large, evolving projects
  • Recurring monthly — For ongoing maintenance and updates
  • Tiered packages — Basic, Pro, Enterprise level options
  • A la carte — Pay only for specific services needed

F. Case Studies and Success Stories

Many businesses have achieved tremendous success by leveraging Fiverr for crafting their website:

  • Bootstrapped startup LocalFalcon scaled 20x in 18 months utilizing Fiverr for marketing.
  • Digital agency WebMetrix increased conversions by 65% for a SaaS company by redesigning their website on Fiverr.
  • Yoga apparel brand Yogasmoga saw a 5X increase in sales after launching their Shopify store designed and marketed via Fiverr freelancers.

This confirms the immense potential of Fiverr for creating high-converting websites that deliver impressive results.

II. Fiverr Website Traffic and Content

A. Strategies for boosting Fiverr Website Traffic

Here are proven strategies businesses use for driving targeted traffic to their Fiverr websites:

  • SEO Content — Well-optimized blogs and pages that rank high in search engines.
  • Google Ads — PPC campaigns targeted to your niche for qualified visitors.
  • Social Media — Building engagement on Facebook, Instagram etc. drives referrals.
  • Influencers — Getting reviews or backlinks from relevant influencers.
  • Email Marketing — Segmented drip campaigns to engage subscribers.
  • Visual Assets — Videos and graphics to attract visitors and improve sharing.

Utilizing these strategies consistently can deliver thousands of monthly visitors.

B. Creating engaging and SEO-friendly Fiverr Website Content

Useful tips for creating content that ranks high in SEO and keeps visitors engaged:

  • Conduct keyword research to identify relevant topics and terms.
  • Optimize pages and blogs for target keywords using headings, URLs, meta descriptions etc.
  • Create detailed, extensive articles and FAQs answering user questions.
  • Include stats, expert data, case studies etc. to build authority.
  • Write clear, scannable content using headers, lists, images, and videos.
  • Insert contextual internal links across your content for improved navigation.
  • Promote your new content on social media, email, and other channels.

C. The impact of Fiverr Website Traffic on business success

The benefits of driving strong website traffic via Fiverr include:

  • Increased brand awareness and recognition
  • Higher conversion rates and sales
  • Lower cost per lead/acquisition
  • Improved SEO rankings and organic growth
  • Richer user data and insights
  • Stronger competitive positioning

Sustained traffic growth is pivotal for any business to thrive online long-term.

D. Analyzing the authenticity of Fiverr Website Traffic services

While Fiverr offers many website traffic services, their quality varies. Here’s how to assess authenticity:

  • Check traffic sources — Should be relevant sites rather than bots or spam.
  • Evaluate engagement metrics — Time on site, pages per visit indicate real users.
  • Seek third-party validation — Google Analytics can verify legitimate traffic.
  • Review seller reputation — Opt for highly rated sellers with satisfied customers.
  • Start small first — Test results from a small campaign before committing higher budgets.

Authentic, human traffic is crucial for driving actual business growth rather than vanity metrics.

E. Analyzing Fiverr Website Traffic Sources

Understanding your website traffic sources helps optimize efforts:

  • Direct — Visitors typing your URL directly into browser. Indicates strong branding.
  • Organic Search — Users finding your site via search engines like Google. Shows SEO impact.
  • Referrals — Visitors coming from links on other websites. Requires content marketing and outreach.
  • Social — Traffic from social media channels. Determines engagement levels.
  • Email — Clicks from email campaigns you send out. Highlights email subscriber base.
  • Display Ads — Visitors from PPC/banner ads. Evaluates advertising ROI.

Diversifying traffic across multiple sources improves consistency in driving targeted visitors.

F. Fiverr Website SEO Strategies

Some proven SEO strategies used by top Fiverr freelancers include:

  • Comprehensive keyword research
  • Optimizing page elements like titles, URLs, headings, meta descriptions for target keywords
  • Generating backlinks via guest posting, infographics, link inserts etc.
  • Local SEO optimization using schema markup
  • Technical optimization including site speed, security, structured data etc.
  • Content creation around buyer keywords and search intent
  • Promotions via email, social media to drive engagement signals
  • Analytics review to identify SEO opportunities

Investing in solid SEO is essential for sustainable organic growth in rankings and traffic.

III. Common Issues and Solutions with Fiverr Website

A. Addressing common problems with Fiverr Website access

Some troubleshooting tips for fixing Fiverr website access issues:

  • Refresh page or clear browser cache if site not loading.
  • Check for downtime notices from Fiverr if website is down.
  • Ensure proper domain registration and renewal if domain expired.
  • Fix DNS errors preventing name resolution to site IP.
  • Resolve server errors like 500 or 404 preventing access.
  • Upgrade hosting plan if traffic exceeded current limits.
  • Enable HTTPS security for safer access to your Fiverr website.

B. Troubleshooting Fiverr Website performance issues

Slow Fiverr websites hurt visitor experience and conversions. Here’s how to fix:

  • Optimize images to reduce page size
  • Enable caching and compression
  • Limit HTTP requests and enable caching
  • Upgrade hosting for more resources
  • Fix server errors and coding issues
  • Reduce page redirects
  • Minimize third-party scripts and widgets

With page load times directly impacting your bottom line, performance tuning is a must.

C. Evaluating the reputation of Fiverr Website from user reviews

Analyzing Fiverr website reviews helps ascertain quality and reliability:

  • Product reviews — Assess feedback on website design, traffic services purchased.
  • Seller reviews — Gauge customer satisfaction levels for the freelancer.
  • Industry chatter — Check Fiverr reputation on forums and aggregators like TrustPilot.
  • Social proof — Testimonials and case studies indicate client outcomes.
  • Business longevity — Sellers active on Fiverr for long have built trust and goodwill.

Reviews reveal actual user experiences versus claims made by sellers.

D. Steps to take if the Fiverr Website is down

If your Fiverr website faces downtime, swiftly address it by:

  • Contacting Fiverr support if issue is on their end.
  • Checking server status and resolving any errors.
  • Switching to backup hosting if needed until issue is fixed.
  • Posting service status updates on your social media.
  • Sending email alerts to website subscribers about the outage.
  • Creating prominent website banners about the downtime.
  • Offering incentives once site is back up to reengage visitors.

Minimizing downtime is key for maintaining visitor trust and loyalty.

E. Security and Privacy Considerations

To keep your Fiverr website and user data safe:

  • Install security patches promptly
  • Enable HTTPS encryption
  • Use strong passwords
  • Implement 2FA authentication
  • Limit user permissions
  • Backup data regularly
  • Remove unused plugins/code
  • Avoid storing sensitive user data
  • Comply with privacy regulations like GDPR
  • Implement cookie consent forms

Ongoing security is necessary for robust protection from threats and attacks.

F. Legal Considerations for Fiverr Websites

Some key legal aspects to evaluate for your Fiverr website:

  • Terms of Use — Mandatory policies for acceptable use by visitors.
  • Copyright — Using only licensed imagery and content to avoid infringement.
  • Plagiarism — Ensuring all text is original or properly attributed to sources.
  • Trademarks — Registering your logos and branding elements to protect IP.
  • Ecommerce — Adhering to state sales tax and return/refund policies if selling online.
  • Privacy Policy — Disclosing data collection, sharing and protection to users.

Seeking qualified legal counsel helps limit liability risks for your website business.

IV. Building a Fiverr Website on WordPress

A. Step-by-step guide to creating a Fiverr Website using WordPress

Here is an overview of how to use WordPress for your Fiverr website build:

1. Choose hosting — Select managed WordPress hosting for faster performance.

2. Register domain — Pick a domain name aligned to your brand.

3. Install WordPress — Use the famous 5-minute one-click installer.

4. Select a theme — Pick an elegant theme with customization options.

5. Add content — Create pages and blog posts to share your brand story.

6. Install plugins — Extend functionality with SEO, security, and ecommerce plugins.

7. Configure settings — Set up analytics, email opt-ins, contact forms etc.

With its simplicity and powerful features, WordPress empowers businesses to create stunning Fiverr websites.

B. Benefits of using WordPress for Fiverr Websites

Key advantages of using WordPress for your Fiverr website project:

  • Ease of use — Intuitive dashboard for easy publishing.
  • Scalability — Handles high traffic volumes with the right hosting.
  • SEO-optimized — Built-in SEO helps content rank faster.
  • Security — Regular updates and plugins keep threats at bay.
  • Open source — Free core software with thousands of free extensions.
  • Extensions and support — Robust ecosystem of plugins, talent and documentation.
  • Mobile responsive — Themes automatically adapt sites for mobile.

With its flexibility and capabilities, WordPress delivers immense value.

C. Customization options and Fiverr Website templates for WordPress

To design your WordPress site without coding, utilize:

  • Free themes — WordPress repository has thousands of free themes to modify design and layout.
  • Premium themes — For $50–200, get themes with more customization settings and page builder tools.
  • Custom plugins — Extend functionality with plugins like membership portals, courses, directories etc.
  • Professional services — Hire expert WordPress developers and designers on Fiverr for customized sites.
  • Fiverr Website Templates — Pre-made templates created by Fiverr pros to simply import and launch quickly.

With robust theme options, you can easily apply your branding and features.

D. User Experience (UX) and Fiverr Website Design

A positive user experience is crucial for Fiverr websites to drive engagement and conversions. Some UX best practices:

  • Simplicity — Easy navigation, clean layouts remove friction.
  • Personalization — Customize content for each visitor’s demographics and behavior.
  • Consistency — Maintain UI elements and typography across all pages.
  • Performance — Fast load times keep visitors from abandoning.
  • Accessibility — Ensure compliance with disabilities regulations.
  • Testing — Continuously test and optimize UX through surveys, heatmaps, and analytics.

Delivering delight through UX builds loyalty and trust for your brand.

E. Fiverr Website Monetization

Some popular options to monetize your Fiverr WordPress site:

  • Advertising — Display ads via Google AdSense based on your niche.
  • Affiliate marketing — Promote relevant products for commission fees.
  • Memberships and courses — Offer premium gated content and paid courses around your expertise.
  • Donations — Add a donate button or crowdfunding for supporter contributions.
  • Merchandise — Sell branded apparel, accessories, and swag.
  • Freemium model — Free basic product with paid premium version upsell.
  • Services — Offer professional services, consulting hours or lead generation.

Monetization diversifies and grows your revenue streams.

V. Fiverr Website Traffic and Promotion

A. Utilizing Fiverr Website Promo services for exposure

Fiverr offers many website promotion services including:

  • One-time or recurring blog posts on relevant platforms to grab backlinks and traffic.
  • Infographic design and distribution for more viral sharing.
  • Social media blasts to engage followers and amplify reach.
  • Contest promotion to build your email list.
  • Influencer reviews, unboxing videos or sponsored posts for more credibility.
  • Press release distribution on major wire services.
  • Podcast interviews to present your brand as thought leaders.

Promotions expand your website visibility and domain authority.

B. Effective strategies to drive Fiverr Website Traffic within 24 hours

To rapidly increase website traffic, use these launch strategies:

  • Run social media promotions offering discounts or exclusive content to engage your existing followers.
  • Leverage your email list with a customized newsletter promoting new website content.
  • Brief your sales team to call, email, or text top customers driving them to specific pages.
  • Buy legitimate Fiverr traffic services like promoted tweets or posts in relevant Facebook groups.
  • Initiate an influencer blitz, reaching out to micro-influencers to share your launch posts.
  • Activate your referral program incentivizing existing users to share your new website.
  • Promote the launch in your other marketing channels like paid ads or email signature.
  • Release fresh blog content around the launch and distribute it widely.
  • Host a contest or sweepstakes for lead generation driving traffic.

With careful coordination across channels, you can gain significant traction within 24 hours.

C. Top 10 Fiverr Website Traffic sources for optimal results

The highest-impact sources for sustainable Fiverr website traffic include:

  1. Organic search — SEO for ranking top in Google
  2. Email marketing — Drip campaigns, promotions to list
  3. Social media — Engaging and sharing content
  4. Paid advertising — Google, Facebook, display ads
  5. Guest posting — Content and backlinks on authority sites
  6. Influencer marketing — Reviews, sponsorships, co-content
  7. Referral programs — Incentivizing shares and sign-ups
  8. PR outreach — Getting featured on mainstream media
  9. Content marketing — Viral blogs, videos, guides, tools
  10. Retargeting — Remarketing visitors through ads

Diversifying sources compound your overall traffic exponentially.

VI. The Ins and Outs of Fiverr Website Maintenance

A. Importance of regular Fiverr Website maintenance and updates

Consistent maintenance keeps your Fiverr website optimized:

  • Performance — Fix crashes and speed issues.
  • Security — Install security patches and updates.
  • Content — Add new pages and blog posts.
  • User experience — Enhance navigation or page layouts.
  • Competitiveness — Match competitor feature upgrades.
  • Compliance — Adhere to changing regulations.
  • Revenue — Add new monetization streams.
  • Audience retention — Cater to shifting visitor preferences.

Neglecting maintenance increases bounced traffic and hurts conversion rates.

B. Best practices for Fiverr Website optimization and speed

To optimize Fiverr websites for faster speed:

  • Compress images
  • Enable caching and browser caching
  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files
  • Use content delivery network for assets
  • Defer non-essential JavaScript
  • Remove unused code and plugins
  • Optimize web hosting for your traffic
  • Replace embedded videos with image links

Faster sites enhance visitor experience, engagement and conversions.

C. Managing Fiverr Website products and banners effectively

Best practices for website banners and products include:


  • Limit to 2–3 banner ad spaces per page max.
  • Use 300x250 or 300x600 size banners for good visibility.
  • Optimize banner images for faster load times.
  • Make banners clickable to relevant product/sales pages.


  • Showcase bestselling products on homepage.
  • Maintain updated prices and inventory status.
  • Enable zooming product images on hover.
  • Add buyer reviews and testimonials for social proof.

Well-designed banners and product listings boost sales.

D. Future Trends in Fiverr Website Development

Some emerging trends shaping Fiverr website builds:

  • More use of artificial intelligence like chatbots.
  • Dynamic content customization based on visitor attributes.
  • heavier use of interactive elements like calculators and comparisons.
  • More adoption of full-screen video backgrounds and parallax scrolling.
  • Expanded use of AR/VR to engage visitors.
  • Deeper personalization powered by past behavior and preferences.
  • Tighter platform integration natively via APIs not just embeds.

Staying aware of trends allows you to delight visitors in new ways.

VII. Authenticity and Safety of Fiverr Website Services

A. Verifying the authenticity of Fiverr Website traffic services

Scrutinize traffic service claims by:

  • Checking traffic source distribution for diversity.
  • Confirming geo distribution aligns with your target customers.
  • Validating visitor engagement metrics like time on site, pages visited.
  • Reviewing Google Analytics data for suspicious traffic spikes.
  • Comparing with past legitimate traffic levels.
  • Checking for sudden rankings boosts without changes meriting it.
  • Seeing if sales and leads align with new traffic.
  • Assessing relevance of inbound links driving traffic.

Monitoring analytics helps filter artificial or bot traffic being provided.

B. Potential risks of giving login details to Fiverr Website designers

Sharing login access exposes you to:

  • Data theft or account hijacking.
  • Unauthorized changes to site content or settings.
  • Addition of hidden malicious code or links.
  • Potential GDPR violations by exposing user data.
  • Permanent lockout if passwords changed without your knowledge.

Ideally utilize site staging tools for design work rather than providing live site access.

C. Identifying Fiverr Website scams and how to avoid them

Watch for these signs of potential website scams on Fiverr:

  • Too-good-to-be-true claims around traffic, rankings or sales.
  • Low review ratings and complaints about non-delivery.
  • New seller accounts with no portfolio or identity.
  • Badly worded proposals with grammatical errors.
  • Requests for upfront payment before starting work.
  • High-pressure sales tactics urging immediate purchase.
  • Lack of customization for your specific business needs.
  • Refusal to provide details around methods or past sample work.

Vet sellers thoroughly and start with small tests to avoid website scams.

VIII. Fiverr Website Review and Testimonials

A. The value of Fiverr Website reviews and how to get them

Positive Fiverr website reviews build trust and SEO. Gather them by:

  • Adding review collection emails after transactions.
  • Creating easy review submission forms on your site.
  • Rewarding reviewers with discounts or loyalty points.
  • Following up with satisfied customers requesting a review.
  • Monitoring review sites to respond and improve poor feedback.

The more reviews accumulated, the more it strengthens your brand visibility.

B. Evaluating Fiverr Website designs and builders through reviews

Analyzing website designer reviews on Fiverr provides valuable insights on:

  • Quality of portfolio and past client work
  • Design expertise across different industries
  • Responsiveness in communication and revisions
  • Ability to deliver within tight deadlines
  • Proficiency across various design tools and software
  • Innovative design practices and trends knowledge
  • Skill translating brand strategy into design
  • Keyword integration and SEO optimization skills

User reviews reveal actual capabilities versus claims made by sellers.

C. Understanding the importance of Fiverr Website badges and logos

Displaying badges and logos boosts credibility. They:

  • Establish trust — Features like SSL badges or Norton Secured convey safety.
  • Project expertise — Displaying partner badges like Shopify or WordPress conveys technical competence.
  • Highlight compliance — Trust seals like BBB or TrustArc show you adhere to legal requirements and best practices.
  • Indicate social proof — Customer testimonials reinforce quality satisfaction.
  • Strengthen branding — Visual marks like your logo reiterates your brand identity.

Prominently displaying relevant badges builds website visitor confidence.

IX. Exploring Alternative Fiverr Website Platforms

A. Other Fiverr Website platforms and their unique features

Besides WordPress, top alternative website platforms on Fiverr include:

  • Wix — Drag and drop editor to customize design. Inbuilt SEO and marketing tools.
  • Squarespace — Gorgeous templates focused on visual appeal. Ideal for galleries, portfolios and retail.
  • Webflow — Powerful prototyping and animations. Excellent for web apps requiring dynamic interactions.
  • Shopify — Specifically optimized for setting up ecommerce stores and accepting payments.
  • BigCommerce — Enterprise ecommerce features and detailed analytics. Ideal for fast-scaling online brands.

Each platform has specific strengths for different website types.

B. Requirements for becoming a Fiverr Website builder

To become a website builder seller on Fiverr, you need:

  • Extensive experience designing and developing sites end-to-end.
  • Sharp project management skills delivering projects on-time.
  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP.
  • Familiarity working with CMS platforms like WordPress, Shopify etc.
  • UX design expertise and site optimization knowledge.
  • Quality portfolio of past work across client websites.
  • Strong customer service ethic and communication abilities.
  • The drive to continuously enhance skills and stay updated.

With hard work and persistence, anyone can start a lucrative website builder service on Fiverr.

C. Tips for creating an impressive username for Fiverr Website Design

To craft memorable and professional website design usernames, incorporate:

  • Your name or initials to boost trust through transparency.
  • Important niche keywords like “Website” or “WebDesignPro”.
  • Location like city or state if offering local services.
  • Established year to convey experience like “BestWebDesigner2021”.
  • Key skills like “WordPressExpert” or “WebsiteWiz”.
  • Numbers symbolizing excellence like “WebsiteGenius5Stars”.
  • Catchy and positive adjectives like “AwesomeWebDesign”.

A good username piques interest in your Fiverr profile and services.

X. Conclusion

A. Recap of the comprehensive guide to Fiverr Website

In this extensive guide, we explored all key aspects of leveraging Fiverr for your website needs — from design and development, driving traffic and maintenance, building on WordPress, monetization tactics, to fraud prevention and succeeding as a website seller on Fiverr.

Equipped with this knowledge, you can effectively hire the best Fiverr talent to create an optimized website that drives business growth. Put these tips into practice to maximize success.

B. Final thoughts on the significance of Fiverr Website for businesses and freelancers

Having a high-quality and well-optimized website is non-negotiable for any business or freelancer to gain visibility and credibility in the digital era. As highlighted in this guide, Fiverr provides immense value, making website creation achievable at any budget.

Fiverr also empowers freelancers to monetize their website skills at attractive rates to grow their own businesses.

For lean bootstrappers and well-funded enterprises alike, it is prudent to leverage Fiverr strategically for crafting results-driven websites.

C. Encouragement for readers to start building their Fiverr Websites for success

The time is now. Unleash your potential and take the first step by partnering with Fiverr’s global talent marketplace for creating your powerful website today.

A small investment here can deliver huge dividends in establishing your digital presence and unlocking long-term profits.

Wishing you the very best for your Fiverr website journey ahead!

Check out Below Domain, Hosting & Theme:

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